Nocasinodomains/ January 13, 2024/ Miscellaneous

Once these effects begin to fade, the person will be given water or tea to help flush out the toxins and rehydrate. Once the shaman has collected the kambo, they aim to release the frog, relatively unharmed, back into the forest. He acknowledges that for most people, the purging and opioid-like symptoms of a cleanse are not a problem. There have been deaths—they are rare, but not zero,” Dr. Kuhn said. During the Kambo ritual, a shaman burns several superficial holes in the top layer of your skin. Typically, women are burned on their legs to promote fertility, while men are burned on their arms and chests to promote a successful hunt or virility, Dr. Kuhn said. Healers practicing in Australia were banned a few years ago according to media reports after a woman died of cardiac arrest during the ritual.

kambo healing

The frog secretions are a smorgasbord of peptides that so far appear to be unique in their combination, including dermorphine and deltorphine, two naturally occurring opioids. Dermorphine is at least 30 times stronger than morphine, and deltorphine has an unusually high blood-brain barrier rate of penetration.

Interested in our Kambo Apprentice Program?

I’m confident your in the best hands in Canada for this type of medicine. It’s vital to let the ceremony leader know if you have any medical conditions. There will be certain conditions that mean Kambo is not the safe or right choice for you. If you follow a vegan lifestyle, you will need to decide whether this particular ceremony is suitable for you.

How Exactly Does Kambo Work?

Read more about Kambo training in the Amazon here. Kambo is made from the secretions of the giant monkey frog, (Phylllomedusa bicolor) which it makes when stressed. The secretion consists of a range of bioactive peptides and the potency means the body responds to it within minutes.

What to expect after the Kambo ceremony

It is quite possible that the same frog may be milked on different occasions if it responds to the hunters calls. People also report greater focus, reduced stress, a marked increase in mental and physical energy, and a consistently better mood. The effects of taking Kambo are purgative and unpleasant, but short-lived, lasting around 40 minutes at the most. Frog hunters call the frogs to them by mimicking the noise of its distinctive call, and the animal is taken back to a local area for milking. This bright green amphibian is found in tropical forests, preferring to sun itself by day in the canopy and descend to the forest floor at night looking for a mate. It also seems to use these secretions as a type of sunscreen, happily rubbing them all over itself.

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